The winter market is a successful extension of the VERY popular summer market. The market is a great opportunity to showcase all that Burlington has to offer, 58 vendors will be setting up every third Saturday of the month from November to April in Memorial Auditorium. We have a wide range of products from farmers selling preserves and frozen vegetables, root vegetables, fresh meats, cheeses, maple syrup, honey and eggs. We have wineries offering a variety of local wines. We have prepared foods including your favorites from the Summer Market and we have crafters selling everything from jewelry, a variety of clothing to pottery and photographic art.
The hours for the market are 10am to 2pm, it is held in Memorial Auditorium at the corner of Main Street and South Union in downtown Burlington. Every third Saturday of the month from November to April: (11/21; 12/19; 1/16; 2/20; 3/20; 4/18)